Take these cool yoga poses with you when you travel
Thanks to modern technology we can now travel from one corner of the world to the other. Traveling can take a toll on the body and mind. Often times when you travel for long periods, your posture is affected. People start experiencing back pain, neck pain and restlessness. The beauty of yoga is that it’s a practice that one can take with them anywhere. It’s almost like knowledge. Once you learn something, it lasts with you forever.
When you travel for long periods, often times you are stuck in one posture. Usually, one has to sit down for hours. Yoga poses are known to strength, strengthen and improve muscle flexibility. Yoga can also improve blood circulation in the body. So, knowing some yoga poses can come in handy when you don’t have access to a gym. Here are some awesome yoga poses that can help you keep your body healthy during travels:
1. Tree pose
Long commutes can bring stiffness to your back. This pose stretches the back and strengthens the backside of the body, hips and ankles. The tree pose also improves your balance, so after a long journey, it’s a great way to regain balance in the body. Tree pose is a balancing pose that can be done by practitioners of all levels. According to your comfort level and needs, you can add variations to the basic pose.
2. Headstand
This is a bit of an advanced pose. But, if you know how to do a headstand, you already know the relieving benefits it brings to the body. Inversions such as the headstands, reverses the blood flow in the body. It gives a rush of fresh oxygen to the face and brain. So, it’s an excellent way to refresh after a long ride! If you are new to your practice, the simple and easiest substitute is the legs up the wall pose. It has similar benefits as the headstand and is much more accessible to beginners.
3. Forward bend
Although it may seem very basic, the benefits of a good forward bend are remarkable. After sitting down for a long time, your back might start to hurt. A forward bend relieves stress from the spine by stretching out the lower back and the hamstrings. The added caveat of a headstand is blood flow to the brain. It also stretches your hamstrings. Hamstrings can get tight from sitting in one position for a long time.
4. Half moon pose
This pose is ideal for sleepy legs. The pose stimulates your leg muscles, tones your core and improves your balance. It’s a very active pose, so it will also give you a quick boost of energy when you feel low. Remember to engage your gluteus when you perform this pose. That will give you some relief on your sitting bones. For beginners, this pose can be made more accessible by being close to a wall.
5. Warrior 2
This is yet another great pose for stretching your legs. It opens up the inner thighs, strengthens the quads, calves and the ankles. This is also an energizing pose if you really focus and stretch your body when you do it. It’s a full body stretch as well since it stretches the shoulders and arms. So, it’s a great relieving pose after a long plane or bus ride.